well, well. went to the shin-diggery at the selby, and boy are my shins tired! no, seriously, they hurt like hell. i shoulnd't have mocked that child's monkey. no huggie, no 'nanner! anyway, the hotdogs were warm, but the sodas were cold. that's good cuz it was kinda hot and sunny out there for a man all dressed in black, and i ain't talkin 'bout no johnny cash. there were tall clowns, small clowns, goofy clowns and even a sad clown or 2. the artists were photoed for posterity. the photos were 'artisted' for posterity(we signed some posters). all said farewell to their clown buds. next sunday is the final auctioning of our beloved 'uncle maccaroni', as well as all of the rest of those clowny so and so's. bon voyagie, hope y'all make some real buckaroos for the erection of a children's hospice facility here in sarasota. it's black tie so i gotta wear a suit. will i shave? only the shadow knows... perhaps a mohawk with an orange stripe. hmm... but, i digress. it'll be a cool todo with lots of clown chatter and philosophical artistic conversation, and hopefully, ( and i dont wanna sound like a spoiled jerk, but, c'mon!) no hotdogs! if i gotta wear a suit, i don't want to eat a hob-nob ( local reference for all u non sarasotans)! much thanks to my incredibly generous sponsor for providing me with a ticket, by the way! here are a few shots of 'uncle mac' at the sunday farewell party. now my good friend jeff and my parents can revel in thier newfound internet fame. well, well, indeed.