well, much has happened since last we spoke, some good, some not so good. but tomorrow night begins the end of our clown adventure. i will try to take some pictures to share with alla u special folks out there. to get more info on the blessed events, go to http://www.clowningaroundtown.org/gala.html for the skinny on the big gala next sunday (mama's day!). as for the event this sunday, all i know is that it starts at 5p.m., and goes til 8p.m. have yer photo taken with uncle mac! you may even get on the webblog! worldwide fame will be yours! see ya sunday...(uh, i mean tomorrow..), peace to all,-s.g.
You write very well.
well...shucks. thank you very much! please feel free to check out the next blog: www.muralwall.com
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