You shoulda took more pics of it raw, the current pics do no justice to what you started with! I hope you have some with the torso, head, and arms all unattached somewhere.
I did have some doubts when I first saw the pieces you brought home but after yesterday all I can say is..........INCREDIBLE!
Can't wait to see the final paint before clearcoat!
You shoulda took more pics of it raw, the current pics do no justice to what you started with! I hope you have some with the torso, head, and arms all unattached somewhere.
I did have some doubts when I first saw the pieces you brought home but after yesterday all I can say is..........INCREDIBLE!
Can't wait to see the final paint before clearcoat!
Job well done!
to see the original 3 pieces, chec in the archives in aug. and scroll down to the bottom of the page. thanx for checkin out the blog!-s.g.
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