okee-dokee from tha okeefenokee, today is gonna be a toughie. today is 'coattails' day( duhn, duhn DUHN!). today i sacrifice, for the sake of art and a higher purpose, my ringleader coat from my old "hard-rockin' days with my fellow magicians( er,um, MUSicians...same diff.) 'Turning Wheel"( karma-la, scott 'gibby' gibson, tom 't.c.' campbell, mark 'bass-whore' basehore and myself). hence the uber cool skull w/ wings and red rose monogrammed on the back by my ex, maggie( former stitch-mistress of hagebeck & wallace). so many nights spent sweatin like richard simmons in that baby, watchin all the young girls dance at places like the main st. depot, monterey deli, b'wana bob's rhino room, monique's artist pallette, boar's head lounge, downtown events and even before the fireworks on fourth of july! ahhhh, them was the daze! hopefully, adding this coat to the mix will help bring some of that mischievious gleeful joy into the piece! now to tear off the sleeves..... so difficult thru the tears. TEARS OF JOY BAYBEEE!!
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